

  • 赵海洋 ,
  • 王为民 ,
  • 傅正义 ,
  • 王 皓
  • (武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430070)

收稿日期: 2006-12-31

  修回日期: 2007-03-26

  网络出版日期: 2008-01-20

Effect of CaF2 on AlN-BN Ceramic Composites by Hot-pressing

  • ZHAO Hai-Yang ,
  • WANG Wei-Min ,
  • FU Zheng-Yi ,
  • WANG Hao
  • (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China)

Received date: 2006-12-31

  Revised date: 2007-03-26

  Online published: 2008-01-20


用热压工艺制备了AlN-BN复合陶瓷材料, 研究了不同含量CaF2烧结助剂对致密化、介电和热导性能的影响. 研究表明: CaF2添加剂可促进材料致密化, 净化材料晶界, 优化材料的综合性能. 热压1850℃保温3h可获得高致密度的烧结体, 添加3wt%~4wt%的CaF2, 可获得98.53%~98.54%的相对密度. 制备的AlN-BN复合材料其介电常数在7.29~7.60之间, 介电损耗值最小为6.28×10-4, 添加3wt%的CaF2获得的热导率为10W·m-1·K-1.


赵海洋 , 王为民 , 傅正义 , 王 皓 . CaF2烧结助剂对热压烧结AlN-BN陶瓷复合材料的影响[J]. 无机材料学报, 2008 , 23(1) : 99 -103 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00099


A series of samples of AlN-BN ceramic composites with different contents of sintering additives CaF2(0-4wt%) were prepared by hot-pressing in nitrogen atmosphere at 1850℃ for 3h. The effects of sintering additives on densification, dielectric properties and thermal conductivity of AlN-BN composites were explored. The addition of CaF2 results in improvements in the level of densification and purified the grain boundary. AlN-BN composites with relative density of 98.53%-98.54% are obtained when CaF2 contents are 3wt%-4wt%. Dielectric constants of samples are between 7.29 and 7.60 and the best tanδ value is 6.28×10-4. It is found that dielectric constants increase with the increasing CaF2 contents and depend on the density of
the AlN-BN ceramic composites. The highest thermal conductivity reach 110W·m-1·K-1 by adding 3wt% CaF2.


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