以汞为反应介质, 表面活性剂胶束为模板, 通过锌的氧化反应制备了氧化锌空心球. 采用SEM、EDX、TG、DTA、XRD、IR等测试手段对产物的形貌和结构进行了表征, 并考察了表面活性剂对产物生长的影响. 研究表明, 氧化锌空心球为无定型结构, 壁厚为纳米尺度, 由氧化锌纳米粒子组装而成, 煅烧后转变为六方纤锌矿结构. 加入适量PEG或CTAB, 能制备出氧化锌空心球; 不加入表面活性剂、加入过量PEG或SDBS, 则不能制备出氧化锌空心球.
Zinc oxide nano-hollow spheres were prepared by oxidation of zinc in mercury medium with template of surfactant micelles. SEM, EDX, TG, DTA, XRD and IR were used to characterize the as-grown products. The effect of surfactant on the growth of zinc oxide was discussed. The results show that zinc oxide hollow spheres, amorphous, with nanometer-sized thickness are assembled by zinc oxide nanometer particles. After calcinated, they transform to wurtzite structure. With suitable concentration of PEG or CTAB adding, ZnO hollow spheres can be fabricated on the surface of Zn plate. If no surfactant, excessive concentration of PEG or SDBS is added, ZnO hollow spheres can’t be fabricated.
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