以正硅酸乙酯为前驱体,氨水为催化剂,采用溶胶-凝胶法,结合全氟辛基癸烷三甲氧基硅烷(FAS)自组装对膜层表面改性,制备了疏水疏油二氧化硅增透膜. 采用红外光谱仪, 分光光度计, 扫描探针显微镜, 椭偏仪, 静滴接触角测量仪, 抗油污染能力测试等技术对膜层性质进行了分析. 结果表明: 疏水疏油增透膜的峰值透光率为99.8%; 与水的接触角为118.0°, 与二甲基硅油的接触角达到74.5°; 在抗油污染能力测试中, 疏水疏油增透膜的抗油污染能力较常规增透膜大大增强.
Using tetraethoxylsilane as precursor, ammonia as catalyst, the hydro-oleophobic antireflective coating was prepared by sol-gel process along with fluoroalkylsilane self-assembly. The properties of the coatings were characterized with spectrophotometer, scanning probe microscope, spectroscopic ellipsometry, contact angle measurement and oil-resistant test. The results indicate that the peak transmittance of the hydro-oleophobic coatings is 99.8%, water contact angle is 118.0°, and polydimethyl siloxane oil angle is 74.5°. The oil-resistant test shows that the oil-resistant ability of the hydro-oleophobic silica antireflective coating is considerably improved compared with that of the common silica antireflective coating.
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