液相先驱体浸渍法制备的C/C-TaC复合材料可望提高C/C复合材料的烧蚀性能. 本研究借助XRD、SEM对含钽树脂先驱体不同温度热处理后物质的成分与形貌进行分析, 并结合钽液的DSC-TG曲线揭示了含钽树脂转变生成TaC过程的反应机理. 研究表明: 含钽树脂中钽液是作为呋喃树脂的固化剂起作用, 显著降低了呋喃树脂的固化温度, 100℃低温热处理树脂便固化, 同时钽液中的TaF5水解生成TaO2F. 在真空保护气氛下, 温度升高到800℃以上, 含钽树脂中的部分TaO2F会分解成Ta2O5和气体TaF5. 随后, Ta2O5在1000℃时开始被树脂炭还原化合生成颗粒尺寸<1μm的TaC颗粒. 要控制钽的损失可通过长时间低温处理(室温~100℃)和通无水氨(150~500℃)来实现.
C/C-TaC composites prepared by liquid precursors are promising in improving the ablation properties of C/C composites. The formation mechanism of TaC by tantalum-contained resin precursor was investigated through the analysis of components and morphologies of tantalum-contained resin after different heat treatment by XRD and SEM together with the DSC-TG results of tantalum-contained solution. The results show that tantalum-contained solution promotes the solidification of resin. Treated at 100℃, TaF5 will hydrolyze into TaO2F and the resin will solidify. Treated at 800℃ in vacuum atmosphere, part of TaO2F in tantalum-contained resin will decompose into Ta2O5 solid and TaF5 gas. Then, Ta2O5 will be reduced and compounded by carbon into TaC with fine sizes at 1000℃. The lossof tantalum can be controlled by prolonging treatment time at lower temperatures (room temperature --100℃) and introducing anhydrous ammonia into the solution.
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