

  • 刘桂霞 ,
  • 王进贤 ,
  • 董相廷 ,
  • 洪广言
  • (1. 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院, 长春 130022; 2. 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所; 长春 130022)

收稿日期: 2006-09-15

  修回日期: 2006-11-13

  网络出版日期: 2007-09-20

Gd2O3:Eu3+ Luminescent Nano-materials Prepared by Sol-lyophilization Method

  • LIU Gui-Xia ,
  • WANG Jin-Xian ,
  • DONG Xiang-Ting ,
  • HONG Guang-Yan
  • (1. School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China;2. Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Chemistry and Physics, Changchun Institute of Applied chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China)

Received date: 2006-09-15

  Revised date: 2006-11-13

  Online published: 2007-09-20


采用溶胶-冷冻法合成了粒径为20nm左右的近似于球形的Gd2O3:Eu3+发光材料. XRD和FTIR分析表明: 所合成的前驱体样品为带有结晶水的晶态氢氧化物, 经过热处理后得到了立方相的Gd2O3. 荧光光谱测试表明: 所合成的样品具有良好的Eu3+特征红光发射, Gd3+到Eu3+之间具有有效的能量传递过程. 随着灼烧温度的升高, 发射峰和激发峰的强度有所增强, 荧光寿命变长, 这是由于热处理温度升高, 晶体生长变好, 表面缺陷减少, 使表面的猝灭中心减少, 从而提高了荧光强度和荧光寿命.


刘桂霞 , 王进贤 , 董相廷 , 洪广言 . 溶胶-冷冻法制备纳米Gd2O3:Eu3+发光材料[J]. 无机材料学报, 2007 , 22(5) : 803 -806 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00803


Gd2O3:Eu3+ luminescent materials with spherical shape and the size of 20nm were synthesized by a sol-lyophilization method. The XRD patterns and FTIR spectra show that the precursor samples are hydroxide crystals, and the calcined samples are cubic Gd2O3. The PL spectra show that the calcined samples emit Eu3+ character red light, and there is efficient energy transition from Gd3+ to Eu3+. With the increasing of calcining temperatures, the intensity of emission and excitation increases and the lifetime becomes longer due to the crystal growing better, and the surface defects are decreased, then the quenching center is also decreased.


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