采用微束等离子喷涂(MPS) 在Ti6Al4V基体上制备了羟基磷灰石(HA)涂层, 并以大气等离子喷涂(APS)为对照. 利用光学显微镜、SEM和XRD分析技术对MPS涂层形貌、相组成和结晶度进行了研究. 结果表明: 在微束等离子喷涂过程中, HA
的分解程度比大气等离子喷涂有显著降低, 除了HA相, 仅形成β-TCP相和非晶相. MPS涂层的结晶度主要受喷涂距离的影响. 喷涂距离较短(<80mm)时, 涂层结晶度高于APS方法制备的涂层. 喷涂距离在130mm时, 涂层结晶度低. 大气等离子喷涂层含有β-TCP、α-TCP、TTCP、CaO和非晶. MPS涂层分解较APS少的主要原因是喷涂过程中HA粒子过热不严重.
HA coatings were deposited onto TiAl6V4 substrate by microplasma spraying (MPS) as well as by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). The morphology, phase compositions and crystallinity of the coatings were studied by means of optical, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the decomposition of HA can be significantly reduced during MPS than during APS. In addition to HA, only β-TCP and amorphous phases form during MPS. MPS coating crystallinity is clearly influenced by spray distance. Shorter spray distances (<80mm) result in high crystallinities, which are much higher than those of APS coatings. But with a spray distance of 130 mm, the coating crystallinity is very low. β-TCP, α-TCP, TTCP, CaO and amorphous phases form during APS. Compared with APS coatings, MPS coatings are less decomposed during spraying, due to the less overheating of HA particles.
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