运用放电等离子烧结(SPS)技术制备出体积分数达60%, 致密度达99%的SiCp/Al复合材料. 从烧结工艺的控制及电场的影响两方面对SPS烧结SiCp/Al复合材料的机理进行了研究, 认为SPS烧结SiCp/Al复合材料的致密化过程主要依靠烧结温度、压力及升温速率的合理搭配, 使Al熔融粘结SiC颗粒, 而又不溢出模具; 烧结过程中未发现明显的放电现象, 可能由于电场太弱不足以引发放电.
60vol%SiCp/Al composites with high relative density of 99% were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The consolidating mechanism of SiCp/Al composites by SPS was analyzed on two aspects: (1) the adjustment of sintering parameters; (2) the effect of electric field. The results indicate that the consolidating procedure of SiCp/Al composites
by SPS is mainly dependent on the proper adjustment of temperature, pressure and heating-rate which make Al melt and adhere SiC particles without spraying out of the graphite dies; no obvious spark appears during the sintering, which may result from the weak electric field.
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