
多种添加剂对高压 X8R介质材料的改性研究

  • 李玲霞 ,
  • 郭 锐 ,
  • 王洪茹
  • 天津大学电子信息学院, 天津 300072

收稿日期: 2006-08-15

  修回日期: 2006-10-23

  网络出版日期: 2007-07-20

Dielectric Properties of High-voltage X8R Dielectric Material with Different Kinds of Dopants

  • LI Ling-Xia ,
  • GUO Rui ,
  • WANG Hong-Ru
  • Electric Information engineering institute in Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Received date: 2006-08-15

  Revised date: 2006-10-23

  Online published: 2007-07-20


研究了综合添加NiNb2O6、CaZrO3和MnCO3对细晶BaTiO3系统介电及耐压性能的影响. NiNb2O6可使BaTiO3居里峰展宽并产生双峰效应; CaZrO3改善了系统的电容变化率, 有效抑制了铁电相, 提高了耐压强度. MnCO3的加入可有效地阻止晶粒过度长大, 改善了微观结构, 降低了介质损耗, 提高了耐压强度. 当NiNb2O6、CaZrO3和MnCO3添加量为2.5mol%、1.5mol%、1.0mol%时, 本实验获得了满足X8R温度特性的低频高压MLC瓷料系统. 该瓷料可达到如下介电性能: 介电常数ε≥2600, Δ C/C 20℃≤±15% (-55~+150℃), 损耗tgδ≤0.7%, 耐压强度Eb≥15kV/mm.

关键词: NiNb2O6; X8R; 高压; CaZrO3


李玲霞 , 郭 锐 , 王洪茹 . 多种添加剂对高压 X8R介质材料的改性研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2007 , 22(4) : 711 -714 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00711


The doping effects of NiNb2O6, CaZrO3 and MnCO3 on the dielectric properties and breakdown voltages of fine grain BaTiO3 systems were studied. NiNb2O6 can shift the Curie temperature and broaden it, and makes contributions to double peaks; CaZrO3 may improve the temperature coefficiency characteristic greatly and enhance the withstand voltage; adding MnCO3 can restrain the overgrowth of particles, which can decease the dielectric dissipation and improve the withstand voltage greatly. With adding 2.5mol% NiNb2O6, 1.5mol% CaZrO3 and 0.1mol% MnCO3, a kind of MLC ceramic with low frequent and high voltage can be got, which also meets X8R requirement, and its dielectric properties are as follows: ε≥2600, Δ C/C 20℃≤±15% (-55℃-- +150℃), tgδ≤0.7%, Eb≥15kV/mm.

Key words: NiNb2O6; X8R; high voltage; CaZrO3


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