采用溶胶-凝胶法制备出CaO-P2O5-SiO2系统生物活性玻璃纤维. 通过倒置相差显微镜、SEM、FTIR等测试手段考察了生物活性玻璃纤维的微观形貌和显微结构; 采用生物材料的体外实验方法以及XRD、SEM、FTIR等测试手段研究了生物活性玻璃纤维在模拟生理体液(SBF)中浸泡后的表面反应产物的形成机理、结晶程度和微观形貌. 结果表明, 这种生物活性玻璃纤维是一种不连续的短纤维, 具有较好的纤维形态和较高的生物活性, 在短时间内即可在模拟生理体液(SBF)中形成茸毛状A类碳酸羟基磷灰石(HCA)层.
The bioactive glass fibers in the system CaO-P2O5-SiO2 were prepared by the sol-gel process. The composition and microstructure of the sol-gel derived bioactive glass fibers before and after immersion in the simulated body fluid (SBF) were investigated by inverted phase microscope, SEM and FTIR techniques. The mechanism of the calcium phosphates micro-crystals growth was discussed from the view of the crystallography. The results show that the bioactive glass fibers are discontinuous short fibers, and the short sol-gel bioactive glass fibers have a satisfactory shape and a high bioactivity owing to the rapid formation of downy A-type hydroxyl-carbonate-apatite (HCA) on the surface of bioactive glass fibers in SBF.
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