采用水热法制备了不同晶型CdSe纳米棒, 并用TEM、SEM、XRD、TGA-DTA对其进行了表征. 结果显示反应温度为240℃生成纤锌矿型CdSe纳米棒, 反应温度为200℃生成闪锌矿型CdSe纳米棒. 并对纳米棒进行了光电性能测定, 纤锌矿型CdSe纳米棒膜电极的光电转换效率(IPCE)优于闪锌矿型CdSe纳米棒膜电极的IPCE. CdSe/PMeT复合膜电极在具有最大光电转换效率时的波长发生了红移.
CdSe nanorods with different structure phases were prepared by a hydrothermal method, and the products were characterized with TEM, SEM, XRD, TGA-DTA. The results show that the CdSe nanorod with zinc blende structure is formed at 200℃ reaction temperature. At 240℃ reaction temperature, the wurtzite structure CdSe nanorod can be obtained.The IPCE of the wurtzite structure CdSe nanorod film electrode is higher than that of zinc blende structure CdSe nanorod film electrode. The wavelength with the max IPCE value for the CdSe/PMeT composite film electrode appears as red shift.
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