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施建章1,2, 汪宏1, Werner Jillek3, 姚熹1   

  1. 1. 西安交通大学电子陶瓷与器件教育部重点实验室, 西安 710049; 2. 西安电子科技大学技术物理学院, 西安 710071; 3. Electronic Package Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences, Nurnberg D90489, Germany
  • 收稿日期:2007-03-21 修回日期:2007-06-19 出版日期:2008-03-20 网络出版日期:2008-03-20

Study of Preparation and Property of BZN Ceramic Ink

SHI Jian-Zhang1,2, WANG Hong1, Werner Jillek3, YAO Xi1   

  1. 1. Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China; 2. School of Technical Physics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 3. Electronic Package Laboratory, University of Applied
    Sciences, Nurnberg D90489, Germany
  • Received:2007-03-21 Revised:2007-06-19 Published:2008-03-20 Online:2008-03-20

摘要: 采用一种水性多功能有机试剂Sokalan PM70对喷墨打印用Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5(BZN)
微波陶瓷材料的墨水制备及其性质进行了研究, 重点讨论了PM70的添加量和BZN固含量对陶瓷墨水的稳定性和粘度的影响, 获得了具有较高稳定性和较高固含量的喷墨打印用BZN陶瓷墨水,并利用MD-E-201H控制系统打印制备了平面电容器. 利用Rodenstock RM600S激光厚度测试仪测量了不同条件下喷墨打印所制备的实际电容的厚度分布, 讨论了打印脉冲控制参数对打印效果的影响. 实验发现, 当Sokalan PM70的添加量约为3.2wt%时, 陶瓷墨水的稳定性最高, 其固含量最高可达48.8wt%. 此体系的墨水在驱动电压为10V, 输出脉冲宽度为1.5,

关键词: 喷墨打印, Sokalan PM70, 水基陶瓷墨水, BZN微波陶瓷

Abstract: Preparation of Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5(BZN) ceramic ink for Ink-Jet printing was studied with an aqueous, multifunctional organic solvent-sokalan PM70. The effects of different content of PM70 and the solid content BZN powder on the stability and viscosity of suspension liquid were discussed, and rather stable ink with high solid content was obtained. A planar capacitor was printed successfully with the prepared ink by the iP-210 Personal Plotter controlled by MD-E-201H. The influence of controlling parameters on the Ink-Jet printing was also dealt with. The thickness distribution of printed images was measured by Rodenstock RM600S. The experiment indicates that when the content of PM70 is 3.2wt%, the stability of ceramic ink is much more stable with the highest solid content of 48.8wt%. A better practical printing result will be obtained in the condition that drive voltage is 10V, the pulse width is 1.5 and the pulse period is about 800μ s.

Key words: Ink-Jet printing, sokalan PM70, aqueous ceramic ink, BZN microwave ceramic
