采用化学气相渗透法(CVI)制备了二维碳纤维增强碳化硅(C/SiC)陶瓷基复合材料. 基于耦合应力等效模拟系统的开发, 采用摩擦扭矩的变化表征传动过程的摩擦磨损性能. 研究了以传动为背景的高载荷、低转速摩擦磨损行为及机理. C/SiC复合材料以其较低的摩擦扭矩、低的磨损率特别是在高载荷下的较小变形验证了良好的耐磨特性以及承载能力. 相同条件下其磨损率只有Ti合金的1/10~1/20. 低转速下磨损机理以磨粒磨损为主, 高载荷没有引起表面热裂纹.
The two dimensional carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide matrix (C/SiC) composites were prepared by a chemical vapor infiltration method. Based on the coupling stress equivalent simulation system, a characterization method with the change of torque was proposed to evaluate the friction behavior under transmitting motion. The friction and wear behavior and wear mechanism of C/SiC composites under high load and low rotation velocity based on transmitting motion were studied. Results show that a good wear resistance and load-carrying ability is demonstrated by the low friction torque, low wear rate and small material deformation under high loads. Under the same testing condition, the wear rate of C/SiC composites is only 1/10 - 1/20 of that of Ti alloy. The wear behavior on contact surface is mainly grain-abrasion mechanism under low rotation velocity, and no hot cracking is caused by the high loads during tests.
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