以U3O8粉末为原料, 采用外凝胶与内凝胶结合的sol-gel法, 经过溶解制胶、凝胶成球、陈化、洗涤干燥、煅烧、还原烧结、筛选得到球形UO2陶瓷颗粒. 采用该方法制备的陶瓷颗粒为面心立方结构, 密度为理论密度的98.18%; 基本不含杂质, O/U比为2.00, 平均标准偏差为0.001; 平均直径为498.1μm, 标准偏差为14.7μm; 球形度分布在1.00~1.10区间, 平均值为1.04; 平均畸形比为2.2×10-4, 各项指标都达到设计要求. 同时, 研究分析了各参数的影响.
The spherical UO2 ceramic particles were prepared by a sol-gel method with U3O8 powders as raw material, which combines advantages of external gelation and internal gelation methods. The process includes steps of sol preparation, gel particles forming, aging, ashing, drying, calcining, reducing, sintering, sieving and separating. The crystal form of the ceramic particle is face-centered cubic, and its density reaches 98.18% of the theoretical density value. All of the O/U ratio, diameter, sphericity and odd-shaped particles fraction can reach the design specification. Influences of many factors are also analyzed.
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