采用压痕-急冷技术测试了Al2O3/TiC(AT) 和Co包覆Al2O3 /TiC(ATC)两种复合材料的抗热震性能. 实验结果表明, ATC复合材料的抗裂纹扩展能力与抗循环热震性能都优于AT, ATC的临界温差 △Tc比AT高25 ℃. 诸抗热震参数R 、R'、RIV和Rst 的计算结果也表明, ATC的抗热震断裂能力和抗热震损伤能力均高于AT. 少量Co的添加, 虽然对ATC复合材料的热物理参数改变很小, 甚至可以忽略, 但却大幅度提高了复合材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧性, 因而ATC具有较高的抗热震参数. ATC复合材料较好的抗热震性主要是其较高的抗弯强度及断裂韧性的贡献.
The thermal shock resistance of Al2O3/TiC(AT) and cobalt-coated Al2O3/TiC(ATC) composites was measured by the indentation-quench technique. The experimental results show that cobalt-coated Al2O3/TiC composites exhibit better crack extension resistance and cyclic thermal shock resistance than Al2O3/TiC, and the critical temperature difference for ATC composites improved 25℃ compared with that of the AT composites. Calculated results of thermal shock resistance parameters R , R', RIV and Rst show that both the resistance to thermal shock fracture and thermal shock damage of ATC composites are better than those of AT. The thermal physic parameters are changed very little but the flexure strength and fracture toughness of ATC composites are improved greatly by introducing 3.96vol% cobalt into AT composites using an electroless method, which contribute to the higher thermal shock parameters. In a word, the better thermal shock resistance should be attributed to the higher flexure strength and fracture toughness of ATC.
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