在常压、110℃用浓LiOH水溶液和粉末TiO2(锐钛矿)反应的方法, 合成了岩盐型LiTiO2, 并采用TEM、XRD、XPS、TG/DTG等手段对岩盐型LiTiO2进行了表征. 结果表明, 采用该方法制得的岩盐型LiTiO2为纳米颗粒状的非化学计量物质, 在≤500℃其晶型是稳定的, 在室温下它有较强的吸水性.
Rock salt-type LiTiO2 was prepared by treating TiO2(anatase) powder with concentrated aqueous solution of LiOH at 110℃ under atmospheric pressure and characterized by means of TEM, XRD, XPS and TG/DTG. The results show that rock salttype LiTiO2 prepared by this method is a nanosized nonstoichiometric compound. Its crystal form is stable at annealing temperature ≤500℃. In air ambience, the rock salt-type LiTiO2 possesses stronger water absorption.
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