以Cf/SiC复合材料为基体, 采用浆料浸涂法和脉冲CVD法制备了SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4涂层, 借助XRD、扫描电镜及能谱对涂层的结构及组成进行了分析研究, 并初步考查了其高温抗氧化性能. 结果表明, 涂层总厚度约100μm, 主要由ZrB2-SiC涂层与脉冲CVD SiC涂层交替覆盖而成. 在1500℃空气中氧化25h, 未涂层试样失重明显; 脉冲CVD SiC涂层试样氧化失重率为5.1%; 而SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4涂层试样出现增重现象, 增重率达2.5%, 表现出优异的抗氧化性能.
王 震
. Cf/SiC复合材料SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4涂层的制备及性能研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2009
, 24(4)
: 836
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00836
A SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4 coating was prepared by slurry painting and pulse CVD. The composition and structure of the coating were studied by using XRD,SEM and EDS analysis, then the anti-oxidation property of the coating was investigated. The results show that the thickness of obtained coating is about 100μm, ZrB2-SiC layer and Pulse CVD SiC layer are bonded to each other alternately. After oxidation at 1500℃ in air for 25h, the weight loss of the Pulse CVD coating is 5.1%, while weight gain of the SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4 coating is about 2.5%. The SiC/(ZrB2-SiC/SiC)4 coating shows excellent antioxidation property.
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