

  • 崔朝军 ,
  • 吴广明 ,
  • 张明霞 ,
  • 孙娟萍 ,
  • 杨辉宇 ,
  • 沈 军
  • 同济大学 波耳固体物理研究所, 上海市特殊人工微结构材料与技术重点实验室, 上海 200092

收稿日期: 2008-11-18

  修回日期: 2009-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2009-07-20

Synthesis and Characterizations of Lithium Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes

  • CUI Chao-Jun ,
  • WU Guang-Ming ,
  • ZHANG Ming-Xia ,
  • SUN Juan-Ping ,
  • YANG Hui-Yu ,
  • SHEN Jun
  • Pohl Institute of Solid State Physics, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Special Artificial Microstructure Materials and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China

Received date: 2008-11-18

  Revised date: 2009-01-06

  Online published: 2009-07-20


利用溶胶凝胶法结合水热法, 以V2O5粉末和LiOH·H2O为原料, 十六烷基胺(C16H33NH2)为模板剂, 合成了锂钒氧化物纳米管正极材料. 对合成样品进行了SEM、TEM、XRD、FT-IR和XPS表征和分析, 并利用循环伏安测试研究了样品的电化学性能. 结果表明, 该法合成的锂钒氧化物为末端开口纳米管, 管壁为均匀有序的多层结构, 管长在1~3μm之间, 管内径约30nm左右, 外径约70nm左右. XPS分析表明样品中V、O、C、Li元素均由多种化学状态组成. 循环伏安测试表明, 锂钒氧化物纳米管具有良好的锂离子注入/退出可逆性.


崔朝军 , 吴广明 , 张明霞 , 孙娟萍 , 杨辉宇 , 沈 军 . 锂钒氧化物纳米管的合成与表征[J]. 无机材料学报, 2009 , 24(4) : 787 -792 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.00787


Lithium vanadium oxide nanotubes as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries were prepared via a sol-gel reaction followed by hydrothermal treatment, in which V2O5 and LiOH·H2O were used as raw materials and C16H33NH2 as structure-directing template. Structure and morphology of the nanotubes were investigated by SEM, TEM, XRD, FT-IR and XPS.Meantime, electrochemical behavior of the materials was researched by cyclic voltammetry. The results show that the inner and the outer diameters of the obtained nanotubes are of about 30nm and 70nm with length between 1μm to 3μm, respectively. It is also confirmed by XPS that the elements of the products are made up of various chemical states. The electrochemical performance indicates that the obtained nanotubes as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries have good lithium-ion insertion/deinsertion reversibility.


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