为了提高聋耳的听力, 将压电材料植入到耳蜗内, 利用压电效应直接将声波转化为电信号刺激听神经, 以提高听力. 本研究通过未极化与极化的高灵敏性压电陶瓷的对比, 从体外模拟实验中的声电响应曲线和动物体内植入实验的结果中得到: 未极化的压电陶瓷没有压电响应, 而极化后的压电陶瓷能够将声音信号转化为电信号, 证实了压电陶瓷的压电特性的确可以刺激动物的听神经, 从而降低听阈阈值. 比较了压电陶瓷与压电高分子之间的差异, 结果表明压电高分子也可以刺激听神经来提高听力.
In order to improve hearing ability, piezoelectric materials were directly used to cochlea implants based on piezoelectric characteristics which could transform acoustic vibration into electric signal. A series of experiments were done to substantiate the feasibility of the different piezoelectric cochlea implants in vitro and in vivo. The unpoled ceramic had no piezoelectric characteristic and no ability to decrease the threshold, while the poled ceramic had obvious piezoelectric effect to recover the hearing. Based on these results, it can be affirmed that the piezoelectric cochlea implant can activate the nerve and decrease the threshold. In comparison with ceramics, the piezoelectric polymer is also adaptive for implant material to activate the nerve and improve hearing.
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