研究了一种制备锂离子电池负极材料Li4Ti5O12的新工艺. 以TiCl4为原料, 水解制备出Ti4+溶液, 通过“外凝胶”法制备出球形前驱体, 与Li2CO3按计量比混合均匀, 再通过一定的热处理后制备了锂离子电池负极材料球形Li4Ti5O12. 采用XRD、SEM及电化学性能测试等分析手段考察了不同热处理温度对产品性能的影响. 结果发现, 经过800℃热处理16h后得到的产品颗粒呈球形、
流动性好、粒径分布均匀、结晶度好; 产品具有较高的振实密度, 达到1.8g/cm3; 并且还表现出较好的电化学性能, 在1~3V之间充放电, 其首次放电比容量高达160.7mAh﹒g-1, 经过20次充放电循环后, 其放电比容量仍有150.2mAh﹒g-1. 研究表明该方法是一种适合制备高密度高活性Li4Ti5O12材料的工艺方法.
A novel technique was developed to prepare Li4Ti5O12 anode material for lithium secondary batteries. Solution of Ti4+ was prepared by TiCl4 as the raw material and then the spherical precursor was prepared via an “outer gel” method. Spherical Li4Ti5O12 powders were synthesized by sintering the mixture of spherical precursor and Li2CO3. The influence of temperature on performance of product was studied. The investigation of XRD, SEM and the determination
of the electrochemical properties show that the Li4Ti5O12 powders prepared by this method are spherical, narrowly distributed, well crystallized. The Li4Ti5O12 powders also have excellent fluidity and excellent electrochemical performance.
The tap-density of the product tested is as high as 1.80g﹒cm-3. Between 1.0 and 3.0V versus Li, the initial discharge specific capacity is as high as 160.7mAh﹒g-1, and the discharge specific capacity of the 20 th cycle is 150.2mAh﹒g-1. Study shows that this method is appropriate for preparing Li4Ti5O12 with high tap-density and high electrochemical performance.
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