为了降低成本, 以液化石油气作碳源气体, 炭毡作增强体, 利用多元耦合场CVI方法快速制备了炭/炭复合材料. 研究表明, 炭纤维预制体在650℃
较低温度条件下沉积15h, 密度达到了1.71g·cm-3; 采用偏光显微镜研究了热解炭的显微结构.结果表明, 在同一试样中存在粗糙层、光滑层和带状结构的热解炭, 并且材料密度均匀性较好. 同时分析了致密化的工艺过程并讨论了热解炭沉积机理.
With liquified petroleum gas as hydrocarbon, carbon felt as porous preform, C/C composites were fast fabricated by multi-coupling fields CVI process. C/C composites with density more than 1.7 g·cm-3 were obtained with lower 650℃ in one cycle within 15h, and pyrocarbon microstructures were investigated with a polarized light microscope (PLM). At the same time, densification process and deposition mechanism of pyrocarbon were discussed. The results show that the density is uniform, and there is existing pyrocarbon with rough laminar(RL), smooth laminar(SL) and banded structure in the same sample.
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