较低的催化活性大大地限制了La0.85Sr0.15Cr0.9Ni0.1O3-δ(LSCN)作为直接碳氢化合物燃料SOFC阳极材料的应用. 本文尝试用Pechini法合成LSCN,并按重量比1:1向其中加入纳米Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9(SDC)作为阳极材料. 经1500℃高温烧结12h后, LSCN与SDC以及电解质YSZ仍可以保持各自独立的相结构. 加入SDC没能提高阳极的电导率, 但由于改善了阳极电解质界面的结合状况, 扩展了电极反应的活性区域, 使阳极材料的极化性能有了提高. 显微结构观察显示, LSCN-SDC阳极在甲烷气氛中使用时没有碳沉积现象.
. La0.85Sr0.15Cr0.9Ni0.1O3-δCe0.8Sm0.2O1.9作为SOFC阳极材料的研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2006
, 21(5)
: 1121
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.01121
In order to improve the polarization property of LSCN as an anode material of direct-hydrocarbon SOFC, the LSCN powder was mixed with nanometer SDC in weight ratio of 1:1. The conductivity and polarization properties of LSCN-SDC anode in H2 and CH4 atmospheres were examined and discussed, relating to the SEM morphologies. The interface structure between the anode and the YSZ electrolyte is obviously modified when nanometer SDC is added. The AC
impedance of the anode with SDC is only tenth of that without SDC, and the polarization property is greatly improved. After polarization test, no carbon species was observed from the microstructure morphology of the LSCN-SDC anode.
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