采用化学还原法制备了以椰壳活性炭(AC)为载体的Ni/AC电催化剂. 将Ni/AC电催化剂制作成膜电极, 与铝合金一起组成了一种全新概念的高效、安全、廉价的Ni/AC膜电极-铝合金储氢电池. 运用SEM和XRD 对Ni/AC电催化剂的形貌和结构进行了分析, 通过稳态极化曲线研究了Ni/AC膜电极在中性电解液中的电催化活性, 将Ni/AC膜电极与铝合金组装成的模拟电池进行了恒流放电实验以研究其产氢量和放电性能. 结果表明, 镍在活性炭上的负载量为50%时, 活性炭上沉积的镍颗粒最小; 采用镍负载量为50%的Ni/AC电催化剂的Ni/AC膜电极的电催化活性最高, 将其作为正极的储氢电池不仅放电性能好, 产氢量也大.
The Ni/active carbon (AC) electro-catalyst was prepared by a chemical reduce method using coconut carbon as the support. A new type of storage hydrogen gas cell was designed with membrane electrode made of Ni/AC electro-catalyst and aluminum alloy.
It could output hydrogen gas with high efficiency, safety and low expense. Morphologies and structures of Ni/AC were measured and characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The activity of the Ni/AC membrane electrodes were studied in the neutral electrolyte using steady-state polarization curves. The simulative cells were assembled with different Ni/AC
membrane electrodes and aluminum alloy electrodes in neutral electrolyte. The results showed that nickel particles’ average size on the active carbon was the smallest, when the weight of nickel on carbon 50\%. The Ni/AC membrane electrode made of Ni/AC electro-catalyst with 50wt\% nickel showed best electro-catalytic performance. The simulative cell with the Ni/AC membrane with Ni content 50wt\% as the cathodal electrode did not only possess best discharge capability,
but had most hydrogen gas quantity.
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