采用二次电化学沉积法制备了聚苯胺-碲化铋复合纳米棒. 首先在多孔氧化铝模板上电化学沉积聚苯胺纳米管, 以导电聚苯胺纳米管作为二级模板, 继续电化学沉积碲化铋, 获得聚苯胺包裹碲化铋纳米棒. EPMA分析了碲化铋的化学成分, SEM、TEM图像表明直径约100nm的碲化铋棒被厚约50nm的聚苯胺包裹, XRD图谱表明碲化铋在纳米棒垂直方向存在明显的{110}的织构. 二次电化学沉积法为制备该类特殊有机--无机杂化结构材料提供了新方法.
We succeeded in the fabrication of polyananiline/Bi2Te3 heterostructured nanorods by means of two-step electrochemical depositions from aqueous solution. In the first step, polyaniline nanotubules were electrodeposited in alumina template. In the second step, using conducting polyaniline nanotubules as template, Bi2Te3 nanorods were electrodeposited. Characterizations of XRD indicate that the deposited Bi2Te3 rods are highly textured in the {110} direction. Furthermore, FESEM and TEM analysis show that the Bi2Te3 nanorods are well enveloped in polyaniline tubules in pores of alumina template. The two-step electrodeposition method provides a promising path for fabricating organic-inorganic heterostructured nanorods.
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