用水(溶液)/AEO/环己烷/正戊醇的微乳体系, 制备了分散性良好、尺寸均一的单斜结构CaSO4·0.662H2O 纳米棒, 其平均直径为50nm, 长度为800~1600nm. 研究表明, 当水/ 表比(ω)为6~15、油/表比(γ)在5~12之间、反应物浓度为0.05~0.3mol/L时, 适合于棒状硫酸钙的合. 性质研究发现, 纳米硫酸钙在339nm处有较强的紫光发射, 这在纳电子器件等领域有广阔的应用前景.
In this paper, uniform and dispersive CaSO4·0.662H2O nanorods were synthesized in reverse micellae (W/O microemulsion) containing AEO, cyclohexane, and n-pentanol. The average diameter and length were 50nm and 800~-1600nm respectively. The study of the preparation conditions showed that the preferred synthesis conditions were: ω(H2O/surfactant)=6~15, γ(oil/surfactant)=5~12 and the reactant concentration 0.05~0.3mol/L. The property study showed that nano calcium sulphate could produce stronger purple light emission at 339nm. This property would have a very expansive application prospect in the fields of nano-electric devices and so on.
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