以碱式碳酸锌为前驱体, 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为表面活性剂, 在乙醇-水体系中水热反应制备了直径在10nm以下的氧化锌纳米棒. 用XRD、TEM、SAED等分析手段对制备的粉体进行了表征, 并对粉体的室温光致发光性能进行了测试. 结果表明, 合成的氧化锌纳米棒结晶良好, 沿[001]方向生长, 具有良好的近紫外发光性能. 同时对氧化锌纳米棒的生长机制进行了探讨.
By using Zn4CO3(OH)6·H2O as the precursor, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as the surfactant, ZnO nanorods with several nanometer diameters were synthesized. The product was characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). Its room-temperature photoluminescence properties were also studied. The results show that the as-prepared products have high crystallinity
and grow along the 001 direction, combining with good near UV emission properties. The mechanism for the ZnO nanorod growth was also discussed.
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