结构陶瓷氧化反应裂纹愈合动力学研究(Ⅱ)模型验证: Al2O3-TiC p结构陶瓷裂纹愈合动力学研究
收稿日期: 2004-12-02
修回日期: 2005-02-06
网络出版日期: 2006-03-20
Kinetic Research of Oxidation Induced Crack Healing of Engineering Ceramics (Ⅱ) Model Testing: The Kinetic Research of Al2O3-TiC p Composite
Received date: 2004-12-02
Revised date: 2005-02-06
Online published: 2006-03-20
吕珺 , 郑治祥 , 吴玉程 , 金志浩 . 结构陶瓷氧化反应裂纹愈合动力学研究(Ⅱ)模型验证: Al2O3-TiC p结构陶瓷裂纹愈合动力学研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2006 , 21(2) : 508 -512 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00508
Oxidation reaction happened when Al2O3-TiC p composite heated at high temperature. The reaction producer moved to the crack area which induced crack healing. The heating temperature, time, and indentation affected the crack healing greatly. The kinetic analysis of crack healing of Al2O3-TiC p composite shows that: the strength recovery can be expressed by the following formula:σf/σf0=[1-2Δ(P·k1/2)/B0·t1/2]-1/4, and the velocity
of crack healing can be showed as: -
Key words: crack healing; strength; velocity of healing; oxidiation reaction
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