

  • 洪樟连 ,
  • 张朋越 ,
  • 黄秋平 ,
  • 樊先平 ,
  • 王民权
  • 1.浙江大学材料科学与工程系
    2. 硅材料国家重点实验室, 杭州 310027

收稿日期: 2005-04-01

  修回日期: 2005-05-23

  网络出版日期: 2006-03-20

Afterglow and Energy Transfer from Ti to Eu3+ in Y2O2S:0.03Eu,0.03Ti Phosphor

  • HONG Zhang-Lian ,
  • ZHANG Peng-Yue ,
  • HUANG Qiu-Ping ,
  • FAN Xian-Ping ,
  • WANG Min-Quan
  • 1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
    2.State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Received date: 2005-04-01

  Revised date: 2005-05-23

  Online published: 2006-03-20


采用高温还原法合成了Eu, Ti共激活橙红色Y2O2S长余辉发光材料, 并测量Y2O2S:0.03Eu,0.03Ti磷光体的荧光光谱, 余辉分辨和余辉衰减曲线谱. 实验结果表明, Y2O2S:0.03Eu,0.03Ti磷光体的发射谱由一系列Eu3+离子内部能级跃迁的尖峰组成; 余辉分辨谱则不同, 由一个主峰位于565nm的宽发射带和一系列波长范围位于500nm以上的窄发射带两种峰形组成, 可分别归为Ti离子的宽带余辉发射和三价Eu3+的线状余辉发射. 分析认为, 样品中存在Ti余辉发射向Eu3+内部能级间产生选择性的余辉传能机制, 从而导致Y2O2S:0.03Ti,0.03Eu磷光体中同时出现两种发光中心离子的余辉分辨谱现象.


洪樟连 , 张朋越 , 黄秋平 , 樊先平 , 王民权 . Y2O2S:0.03Eu,0.03Ti的长余辉特性及Ti向Eu3+的余辉传能机制[J]. 无机材料学报, 2006 , 21(2) : 329 -334 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2006.00329


A new kind of orange-red long afterglow Eu and Ti co-doped Y2O2S phosphor was synthesized via a traditional solid state reaction method under reducing atmosphere of CO. The photoluminescence spectrum, afterglow time-resumed spectrum and afterglow decay curve of the Y2O2S:0.03Ti,0.03Eu phosphors were measured. The result shows that the emission spectrum of Y2O2S:0.03Ti,0.03Eu consists of a group of narrow linear peaks from charge transmission of Eu3+. The orange-red afterglow was observed in present phosphors with two different luminescence centers: a broad yellow emission band around 565nm related to Ti emission and a group of narrow peaks of Eu3+ emission in the longer wavelength range. The afterglow mechanism of Eu3+ emission was suggested to come from the energy transfer process from Ti afterglow emission to Eu ions, and result in two different afterglow centers of Ti afterglow emission and Eu{3+} afterglow emission in present Y2O2S:0.03Ti,0.03Eu phosphor.


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