采用提拉法成功生长了高光学质量掺杂浓度分别为0.2at%的Fe:YAP和0.5at%的Cu:YAP晶体. ICP-AES测试得出Fe、Cu离子在YAP晶体中的分凝系数分别为0.13和0.28. 室温下测试了两种晶体经不同气氛高温退火后的吸收光谱和X射线激发发射光谱, 分析了光谱特征及退火对光谱产生影响的微观机理.最后研究了两种晶体的热释光性能,发现Cu:YAP晶体是一种非常有潜力的辐照剂量计材料.
High optical quality 0.2at% Fe doped YAP and 0.5at% Cu doped YAP single crystals were grown successfully by Czochralski method respectively. The separation coefficients of Fe ion in 0.2at% Fe doped YAP and Cu ion in 0.5at% Cu doped YAP crystals determined by ICP-AES method were 0.13 and 0.28 respectively. The absorption spectra and X-ray excitation luminescence spectra of the Fe:YAP and Cu:YAP crystals annealed in reduction/oxidation atmosphere were measured at room temperature. Microcosmic mechanisms of the spectra characteristics and the effects of anneal on crystals were analyzed. Finally, the thermoluminescence spectra of Fe:YAP and Cu:YAP crystals were also studied. It is found that Cu:YAP crystal is a prospective dosimetry material.
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