

  • (重庆大学 化学化工学院, 重庆400044)

收稿日期: 2010-01-18

  修回日期: 2010-03-20

  网络出版日期: 2010-09-26


重庆市自然科学基金重点项目(2005BA4016); 重庆大学211工程创新人才培养计划建设项目(S-091013); 中国博士后基金(20100470810)

Synthesis and Characteristic of CaMoO4:Eu3+ Red Phosphor for W-LED by Co-precipitation

  • (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)

Received date: 2010-01-18

  Revised date: 2010-03-20

  Online published: 2010-09-26

Supported by

Nature Science Foundation of Chongqing Municipality(2005BA4016); Innovative Talent Training Project of the Third Stage of “211 Project”, Chongqing University (S-091013); National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of China (20100470810)


以NH4HCO3-NH3·H2O为混合沉淀剂, 采用化学共沉淀法制备CaMoO4:Eu3+红色荧光粉. 通过TG-DTA和XRD研究CaMoO4:Eu3+前驱体的热分解和晶相形成过程; 采用SEM和PL表征了该荧光粉的表面形貌和发光性能, 并与NH4HCO3沉淀剂、NH3·H2O沉淀剂合成的CaMoO4:Eu3+荧光粉以及高温固相法制备的荧光粉进行对比. 结果表明, 煅烧温度700℃时, 前驱体能够完全转换成单一CaMoO4:Eu3+白钨矿结构; 煅烧温度900℃制备的荧光粉发光强度达到最大值; 采用混合沉淀剂制备的荧光粉大小均匀、无团聚、呈类球型, 平均粒径0.9μm. 与高温固相法比较, 其激发光谱中的Eu-O电荷迁移带向长波方向微小移动, 而7F05L6(394nm)和7F05D2(465nm)的强电子吸收能有效改善红色荧光粉使用性能; 与单独的NH4HCO3或NH3·H2O沉淀剂或高温固相法相比, 该荧光粉发光性能显著改善, 发光强度为传统固相法的2倍.


杨玉玲, 黎学明, 冯文林, 李武林, 陶传义 . CaMoO4:Eu3+红色荧光粉化学共沉淀合成与表征[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 25(10) : 1015 -1019 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.01015


Using NH4HCO3-NH3·H2O as a mixed precipitator, CaMoO4:Eu3+ red phosphor was successfully synthesized by chemical co-precipitation method. The processes of thermal decomposition and phase formation for CaMoO4:Eu3+ precursor were analyzed by TG-DTA and XRD. Compared with solid-state method, both surface morphology and luminescence properties of CaMoO4:Eu3+ red phosphor using precipitators NH4HCO3, NH3·H2O and NH4HCO3-NH3·H2O are evaluated by means of SEM and PL respectively. After calcination at 700℃, the precursor is completely converted to a single scheelite structure of CaMoO4:Eu3+. Photoluminescence intensity of the phosphor reaches the maximum value at 900℃. The phosphor prepared by using mixed precipitator is uniform spherical particle, and has no aggregation with average size of 0.9μm. Compared with solid-state method, the Eu-O CTS of the red phosphor slightly shifts toward long wavelength. The strong electron absorbability of 7F05L6 (394nm) and 7F05D2 (465nm) effectively improves the performance of red phosphor. In addition, the photoluminescent intensity from the mixed precipitation is increased to 2 times of that of the red phosphors prepared by solid-state method.


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