收稿日期: 2010-01-25
修回日期: 2010-04-23
网络出版日期: 2010-08-25
National Nature Science Foundation of China (50802074)
A Novel in-situ Synthesis Route of Ti3SiC2-SiC Composite by Liquid Silicon Infiltration
Received date: 2010-01-25
Revised date: 2010-04-23
Online published: 2010-08-25
提出制备Ti3SiC2-SiC复合材料的一种新思路, 即利用液态硅渗透TiC/C预制体原位反应制备Ti3SiC2-SiC复合材料, 并采用XRD、SEM和EDS考察了材料的显微结构和力学性能. 结果表明: 制备出材料主要由Ti3SiC2相组成, SiC相含量较少; Ti3SiC2晶相呈现出3~10μm大小的层状结构; 施加10kg的压力下测得样品S1550-1, S1550-3和S1550-4的硬度分别为6.8GPa、7.1GPa 和7.8GPa, 它们的密度在3.55~3.96g/cm3范围内. 实验结果表明,利用液态硅渗透技术原位制备Ti3SiC2-SiC复合材料是一种可行的新工艺.
关键词: 液态硅渗透; 新型原位合成; TiC/C预制体; Ti3SiC2-SiC复合材料
卢翠英 , 殷小玮 , 李向明 . 渗硅技术原位制备Ti3SiC2-SiC复合材料的新工艺[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 25(9) : 1003 -1008 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.10041
The aim of the present work was to prepare Ti3SiC2-SiC composite by using liquid silicon infiltration (LSI) from TiC/C preform. XRD, SEM and EDS were used to identify the formed phases and analyze the microstructures of the obtained composites. The results show that the composites are made of Ti3SiC2 and small SiC. The surface morphologies of Ti3SiC2 exhibit plate-like structure with the grain size of 3-10um. The hardness of S1550-1, S1550-3 and S1550-4 is 6.8GPa, 7.1GPa and 7.8GPa for a load of 10kg, respectively. Their density is in the range of 3.55-3.96g/cm3. All the experimental results prove that the novel in situ synthesis route of Ti3SiC2-SiC composite by LSI is feasible.
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