收稿日期: 2009-11-19
修回日期: 2010-04-07
网络出版日期: 2010-08-25
Axial Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of the Different Preform C/C Composites
Received date: 2009-11-19
Revised date: 2010-04-07
Online published: 2010-08-25
主要对比了编织C/C复合材料和针刺C/C复合材料的轴向热力学性能. 编织C/C复合材料主要有径棒法、轴棒法、轴向穿刺三种, 针刺C/C复合材料主要有炭布叠层针刺、整体毡两种. 编织预制体密度较高, 平均可达到0.70 g/cm3以上, 针刺类整体毡密度在0.20 g/cm3左右, 炭布叠层预制体密度在0.45 g/cm3左右, 均低于编织预制体. 径棒法、轴棒法、轴向穿刺预制体轴向纤维含量≥19%, 针刺类预制体轴向纤维含量约为5%. C/C复合材料的轴向拉伸强度、热膨胀系数与预制体编织结构、轴向纤维含量有关, 编织类C/C复合材料轴向拉伸强度平均值≥40MPa, 针刺类C/C复合材料轴向拉伸强度在10MPa左右. 轴棒法、轴向穿刺、炭布叠层针刺、整体毡等四种C/C复合材料(RT~800℃)轴向热膨胀系数基本相当.
嵇阿琳, 李贺军, 崔 红, 程 文 . 不同预制体结构C/C复合材料轴向热力学性能分析[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 25(9) : 994 -998 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00994
Axial thermodynamic performance of braid carbon/carbon (C/C) composites and needle C/C composites is compared. Braid C/C composites comprises the radial rod preform composite, the axial rod preform composite and the fine woven punctured preform composite. Needle C/C composites consist of the whole felt preform composites and the carbon clothes/felt layer needling preform composites. The bulk density of the whole felt preform approximates 0.2g/cm3, and the carbon clothes/felt layer needling preform is about 0.45g/cm3. The density of needle preform is less than that of braid perform, which is up to 0.70g/cm3. Axial fiber content of braid preform is more than or equal to 19%, while that of needle preform is only 5%. The axial tensile strength and thermal expansion coefficient are related to the structure of preform and axial fiber content. The average axial tensile strength of braid C/C composites is ≥40MPa, and while the needle C/C composites is around 10MPa. The axial thermal expansion coefficient of the axial rod preform, the fine woven punctured preform, the whole felt preform and the carbon clothes/felt layer needle preform C/C composites is comparative in the range of RT -800℃.
Key words: C/C composites; perform; braid; needle; axial; tensile strength; thermal expansion coefficient
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