

  • 姚秀敏 ,
  • 黄政仁 ,
  • 谭寿洪
  • (中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 上海 200050)

收稿日期: 2009-04-20

  修回日期: 2009-08-14

  网络出版日期: 2010-02-20

Preparation of Silicon Carbide Reticulated Porous Ceramics Sintered at Low Temperature with PCS as Sintering Additive

  • YAO Xiu-Min ,
  • HUANG Zheng-Ren ,
  • TAN Shou-Hong
  • (Structural Ceramics Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China)

Received date: 2009-04-20

  Revised date: 2009-08-14

  Online published: 2010-02-20


通过有机模板复制法, 以聚碳硅烷(Polycarbosilane, PCS)为粘结剂和烧结助剂, 通过离心工艺二次挂浆制备出低温烧结高强度碳化硅网眼多孔陶瓷. 系统地研究了烧结温度、保温时间等工艺参数对制得的碳化硅网眼多孔体微观结构与性能的影响. 研究结果表明:最佳烧结温度为1100℃, 合适的保温时间为1h, 且所制备的网眼多孔体的孔筋厚度均匀. 用10PPI(pores per inch)和25PPI有机模板制得的网眼多孔体抗压强度分别为(1.08±0.21)MPa和(2.19±0.32)MPa, 耐火温度高达1690℃, 而且抗热震性能优良. 当淬冷温度大约为1400℃, 用25PPI有机模板, 经PCS浆料二次挂浆制备的网眼多孔体的热震损伤参数(Dts)仅为0.36.


姚秀敏 , 黄政仁 , 谭寿洪 . 聚碳硅烷低温烧结碳化硅网眼多孔陶瓷的研制[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 15(2) : 168 -172 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00168


Silicon carbide (SiC) reticulated porous ceramics (RPCs) were fabricated by polymer sponge replicas method with PCS as sintering additive. Slurry with PCS as binder was recoated on the SiC reticulated porous performs by centrifuging process. The effects of sintering temperature and holding time on SiC RPCs microstructure and properties were investigated. On consideration of the strength and strut porosity of RPCs, the RPCs can be sintered at 1100℃ holding for 1h. With PCS slurry as recoating slurry, the strut thickness of SiC RPCs is very uniform. The optimal compressive strengths of the RPCs prepared by 10PPI sponge and 25PPI sponge are (1.08±0.21)MPa and (2.19±0.32)MPa, respectively. The refectory of them is as high as 1690℃. At the same time, the RPCs with PCS as sintering additive have good thermal shock resistance. After quenched at 1400℃, thermal shock resistance parameter of the RPCs prepared with 25PPI sponge is only 0.36.


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