

  • 蒋晓娜 ,
  • 兰中文 ,
  • 余 忠 ,
  • 庄亚明 ,
  • 刘培元
  • (电子科技大学 电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室, 成都 610054)

收稿日期: 2009-04-14

  修回日期: 2009-06-17

  网络出版日期: 2010-01-24

Effects of Mn3O4 on Magnetic Property, Microstructure and Resistivity of LiZn Ferrites

  • JIANG Xiao-Na ,
  • LAN Zhong-Wen ,
  • YU Zhong ,
  • Zhuang Ya-Ming ,
  • LIU Pei-Yuan
  • (State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China)

Received date: 2009-04-14

  Revised date: 2009-06-17

  Online published: 2010-01-24


按组成Li0.35Zn0.30Fe2.29MnxO4-δ+0.005mol%Bi2O3和Li0.35Zn0.30Fe2.29O4-δ+0.005mol%Bi2O3+x/3mol%Mn3O4(x=0.02~0.08) 在920和950℃制备缺铁LiZn铁氧体,分别在原料和预烧料中添加Mn3O4. 结果表明:920℃烧结时, 在原料中添加适量Mn3O4可提高样品饱和磁化强度Ms和剩磁Br, 降低矫顽力Hc, 而在预烧料中添加Mn3O4对Ms和Br影响不大, 不完全固相反应导致两种样品Hc很高, 但在原料中添加Mn3O4样品Hc相对较低. 950℃烧结时, 两组样品Hc均大幅下降, 但在原料中添加Mn3O4的样品Hc反而相对较高. 两种方式添加Mn3O4均可提高电阻率ρ, x=0.06时ρ出现峰值, 且在原料中添加Mn3O4的样品ρ较高.


蒋晓娜 , 兰中文 , 余 忠 , 庄亚明 , 刘培元 . Mn3O4对LiZn铁氧体磁性能、微结构和电阻率的影响[J]. 无机材料学报, 2010 , 25(1) : 77 -82 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00077


Irondeficient LiZn ferrites with compositions of Li0.35Zn0.30Fe2.29MnxO4-δ+0.005mol%Bi2O3 and Li0.35Zn0.30Fe2.29O4-δ+0.005mol%Bi2O3+x/3mol%Mn3O4(x=0.02-0.08) were prepared by a conventional ceramic process at 920℃ and 950℃. Mn3O4 was added to the raw materials and calcined powders, respectively. Sintered at 920℃, adding optimum Mn3O4to the raw materials enhances saturation magnetization Ms and remanence Br and decreases coercivity Hc, while adding Mn3O4 to the calcined powders has little effect on Ms and Br. Both kinds of samples have high Hc resulting from incomplete solid-state reaction at 920℃, whereas Hc is much lower in the sample with Mn3O4 adding to the raw materials. Sintered at 950℃, Hc of both kinds of samples decreases remarkably, whereas Hc is higher in the sample with Mn3O4 adding to the raw materials. Resistivities ρ in both kinds of samples are enhanced by optimum Mn3O4 adding and reaches the maximum when x is 0.06. Furthermore, the resistivity is higher in the sample with Mn3O4 adding to the raw materials.


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