通过简单的水热合成路线,合成出由ZnO纳米棒束组装的花状结构.其组成结构单元ZnO纳米棒沿[001]晶向生长,呈很好的单晶结构.大部分纳米棒直径约为500nm,长约6.0μm.研究结果表明,在无水乙二胺存在的条件下,氨水(28%, v/v)在ZnO花状结构的形成过程中起到了至关重要的作用.调节氨水的含量,组成结构单元ZnO纳米棒可以组装成不同的花状结构.当加入氨水的量使得溶液的pH值达到10时,即可得到由ZnO纳米棒束组装成的花状结构,并简单讨论了这种花状结构的形状结构的形成机理.
The self-assembly of ZnO nanorod bundles into interesting flowerlike architectures were achieved via a simple hydrothermal route. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The composed ZnO nanorods, as self-assembly building blocks, are single crystals nature with the c-axis growth crystallographic direction. And most of them have diameters of 500nm and lengths of 6.0μm. The results indicate that commercial ammonia (28%) plays an important role in the formation of the flowerlike architectures in the present of ethylenediamine. When pH value is about 10 adjusted by the addition of ammonia, self-assembly of ZnO nanorod bundles into flowerlike architectures are obtained. With the further increase of the content of ammonia, self-assembly of ZnO nanorods into different flowerlike architectures are synthesized. A possible growth mechanism of the flowerlike ZnO architectures is proposed.
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