Cuprous thiocyanate (CuSCN) thin films were deposited on ITO, spin-coated TiO2 and glass substrates by successive ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method in ethylene glycol (EG) solution. Crystallinity, surface morphology and optical properties of the CuSCN thin films were characterized by XRD, scanning electron microscope and transmission spectra respectively. Results show that deposition of CuSCN is greatly affected by properties of substrates and solutions. CuSCN thin film deposited on ITO is dense and crystalline, while CuSCN thin film deposited on spin-coated TiO2 is particulate and amorphous. Roughness of CuSCN thin film increases with increasing cycles, resulting in decrease of transmittance of CuSCN thin film. At optimal conditions (ITO substrate, 20 cycles), the CuSCN thin film is dense and uniform in surface morphology, transmittance of which in the visible range is about 60%.
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