利用二钛酸钾(K2Ti2O5)独特的三角双锥层状晶体结构, 通过水化反应过程, 控制其介相结构转变, 获得介孔氧化钛晶须, 经N2吸附-脱附测试比表面积为248m2/g. 高温500℃晶化为锐钛矿型, 比表面积仍可达139m2/g, 孔径为8.7nm, 并且晶须形貌不变. 通过XRD、TEM和HREM等手段, 考察了水化反应过程中K2Ti2O5的结构变化, 提出KOH·nH2O纳米相的形成是介孔结构的来源.
A simple novel procedure for the synthesis of mesoporous titania whiskers from potassium dititanate (K2Ti2O5) was reported. Nanostructure whisker was obtained via controlling mesostructure transition process of the unstable trigonal bipyramidal layered crystal structure of K2Ti2O5 in a hydration step. XRD, TEM and HREM results confirm the existence of nanophase KOH·nH2O inside the inorganic framework. Removing of nanophase KOH·nH2O by acid solution leads to the formation of mesoporous structure with the specific surface area up to 248m2/g. The mesoporous structure of TiO2 whiskers and fibrous morphology can be preserved by calcination at 500℃ with the specific surface area of 139m2/g and the pore diameter of 8.7nm.
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