以四甲基氢氧化铵(TMAH)为分散剂, 纳米TiN、亚微米SiC粉体为原料, 分别制备单组分水基料浆及复合料浆, 分析了SiC/纳米TiN复合料浆的分散稳定机制以及喷雾干燥行为. 研究结果表明, TMAH在纳米TiN、SiC颗粒表面形成特征吸附, 通过静电作用和空间位阻协同作用提高颗粒的分散性; 当pH=8、TMAH加入量为0.75wt%时, 复合浆料分散稳定, 喷雾干燥制备的SiC/纳米TiN复合粉体流动性好, 且分布均匀.
The aqueous slurries were prepared usingtetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) as dispersant, nano-TiN and submicron SiC
powders as starting materials. The dispersion, stabilization mechanism and spray drying behaviors of SiC/nano-TiN aqueous mixed slurry were analyzed. The results show that TMAH can be absorbed on the surface of nano-TiN and SiC particles, and the dispersibility of particles is cooperatively improved by electrostatic and steric effects. The mixed slurry possesses better dispersion and stabilization when pH value is 8 and the amount of TMAH is 0.75wt%, and the SiC/nano-TiN composite powders prepared by spray drying distribute uniformly with good fluidity.
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