研究了以纳米Fe3O4和活性炭(AC)为电极材料的超级电容器. 以FeSO4·7H2O和氨水为原料, 采用微波法制备出平均粒径为36nm的Fe3O4纳米粒子. 组装了以6mol/L KOH溶液为电解液的Fe3O4/KOH/Fe3O4、AC/KOH/AC、Fe3O4/KOH/AC三种类型的模拟电容器. 用循环伏安、恒流充放电和交流阻抗法对电容器进行了电化学性能测试. 结果发现, 混合电容器的工作电压可达到1.2V. 电流密度为0.5mA/cm2时, 正/负极质量比为1.5的Fe3O4/KOH/AC电容器的能量密度达到9.25Wh/kg, 与AC/KOH/AC电容器相比, 能量密度提高了53.4%.
The supercapacitor using nano-structured Fe3O4 and activated carbon (AC) as electrode materials was developed. Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles with average particle size of 36nm were synthesized by microwave method using FeSO4·7H2O and ammonia as the precipitator. Three kinds of supercapacitors, Fe3O4/KOH/Fe3O4, AC/KOH/AC, Fe3O4/KOH/AC, were prepared using 6mol/L KOH as electrolyte. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to study the performance of the electrodes and the supercapacitors. The results show that the operating voltage of Fe3O4/KOH/AC hybrid supercapacitor is 1.2V. When the current density is 0.2mA/cm2 and the weight ratio of active materials (Fe3O4/AC) is 1.5, the energy density of hybrid supercapacitor is 9.25Wh/kg, which is 53.4% higher than that of AC/KOH/AC capacitor with the same electrolyte.
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