研究了穿刺C/C复合材料喷管在酒精/氧气燃气发生器模拟的液体火箭发动机富氧燃气环境中的烧蚀性能, 分析了穿刺C/C复合材料的烧蚀机理及燃气参数对烧蚀性能的影响. 结果表明, 喷管喉部线烧蚀率为(0.055±0.029)mm/s, 质量烧蚀率为0.186kg/(m2·s). 喷管收敛段下游到喉部区域烧蚀最严重, 收敛段上游其次, 扩散段烧蚀最弱. 烧蚀过程是热化学烧蚀和气流冲刷综合作用的结果, 燃气温度和氧化性组分H2O和CO2含量决定穿刺C/C复合材料热化学烧蚀率, 压强和流速影响穿刺C/C复合材料的机械剥蚀.
Ablation property of the pierced C/C composite nozzle was investigated via fire testing by a combustion gas generator which simulated oxy-rich combustion environments of the liquid rocket engine. Ablation mechanisms of the pierced C/C composite nozzle and effects of the combustion gas parameters were discussed. The results show that the linear ablation rate at the throat of the composite nozzle is 0.055±0.029mm/s, and the mass ablation rate is 0.186kg/(m2 ·s). blation behavior of the pierced C/C composite nozzle is directly affected by the compositions, temperature, pressure and the velocity of combustion gases, which shows a non-uniform process. Ablation in the regions ranging from the downstream of the convergent section to the throat is the most severe. Ablation mechanisms of the pierced C/C composite nozzle are cooperation of thermo-chemical ablation and thermo-mechanical erosion. The former is primarily dependent on the combustion temperature and concentrations of H2O and CO2, while the latter is influenced by the pressure and velocity of the combustion gas.
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