采用凝胶冷冻干燥法, 在--50℃、8Pa的真空度下制备了碱式硝酸钇前驱体. 干燥后前驱体呈疏松片状堆积, 比烘箱干燥样品具有更为清晰的轮廓. 经过1100℃煅烧后, 凝胶冷冻干燥处理的粉体具有较细的颗粒, 颗粒尺寸分布均一, 并且具有较大的比表面积. 该粉体经过干压型, 于1700℃真空保温4h烧结后得到晶粒大小均匀的致密多晶透明陶瓷, 平均晶粒尺寸在40μm左右, 样品相对密度达99.6%. 样品经抛光后可见光400nm波长透过率达60%, 并且在紫外波段也具有类似于氧化钇单晶的高透过率.
The effect of gel-freezing dry method (--50℃, 8Pa) was investigated on drying and dewatering on a yttrium hydroxynitrate precursor. Precursor through gel-freezing dry accumulated softly with a clearer card-like figure than that through traditional oven dry. After calcination at 1100℃, the powder through gel-freezing dry method has finer particles, narrower particle distribution and larger surface area than that through oven dry. After dry process, samples were sintered at 1700℃ for 4h in vacuum, transparent polycrystalline ceramics were produced with uniform rystallines. The mean size of crystallines is around 40μm. Relative density of the transparent ceramic eaches 99.6%. After milling and polishing, samples get a high in-line transmittance of 60% at 400nm wavelength, and it also gets a high in-line transmittance ultraviolet wave band, which is similar to single crystalline yttrium oxide.
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