用高纯Al粉体和Y2O3粉体(Al-Y2O3粉体)为原料采用固相反应法制备了YAG陶瓷. Al-Y2O3粉体高能经过球磨, 煅烧生成YAG粉体, 再真空烧结制备高致密YAG陶瓷. 采用DTA-TG对球磨Al-Y2O3粉体进行分析, 采用XRD、SEM对球磨的Al-Y2O3粉体、YAG粉体及YAG陶瓷进行了表征. 实验表明: Al-Y2O3粉体在~569℃时, Al粉强烈氧化, 并与Y2O3粉反应, 600℃煅烧出现YAM相, 随煅烧温度升高出现YAP相, 1200℃煅烧生成YAG粉体. 成型YAG素坯在1750℃保温2h真空烧结出YAG相陶瓷, YAG陶瓷相对密度可达98.6%, 晶粒生长均匀, 晶粒尺寸为810μm.
YAG ceramics were fabricated by solid-state reaction method using high pure powders (Al, Y2O3) as
starting materials. YAG ceramics were fabricated by vacuum sintering YAG compacts which were calcined from high energy milled Al-Y2O3 powders. Al-Y2O3 powders as-milled were analyzed by DTA-TG, Al-Y2O3 powders, YAG powder and YAG ceramics were characterized by XRD and SEM. The results show that Al powders in Al-Y2O3 powders oxide intensively at 569℃, and continue to react with Y2O3, YAM phase appears after calcined at 600℃, YAP phase emerges with calcination temperature increasing, YAG phase is formed at 1200℃.YAG ceramics are fabricated from YAG compact by vacuum sintering at 1750℃ for 2h, the relative density of YAG ceramics is about 98.6%, the YAG grains grow uniformly with average size of 8-10μm tested by SEM.
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