采用湿法拉膜成型工艺, 以收缩率大的(Zn0.7Mg0.3)TiO3(简称ZMT3)材料作为夹层材料, 以收缩率相对小的铁氧体材料(Ni0.8Zn0.12Cu0.12)Fe1.96O4(简称NZC)作为两边收缩控制层, 获得“三明治”叠层结构. 以独特的零收缩差技术, 制备了界面结合紧密, 无翘曲变形、开裂等缺陷, 可于900℃烧结的“三明治”结构叠层共烧体, 其最佳介电性能为: εr=12, tanδ=9.84×10-4. 这项新技术的提出, 为解决异种材料共烧时所经常产生的翘曲、变形等缺陷提供了一种新的解决思路.
A novel zero-shrinkage-difference technique was introduced to eliminate the camber or cracks in cofired composites without the degradation, A sandwich structure of (Zn0.7Mg0.3)TiO3(ZMT3) dielectric/(Ni0.8Zn0.12Cu0.12)Fe1.96O4(NZC) ferrite multilayer composite was designed and prepared by using tape-casted technique, with ZMT3 as interlayer, and NZC as top and bottom layers. The produced sandwich structure shows no camber and cracks after being co-sintered. The cofired samples exhibit good dielectric performance (εr=12, tanδ=9.84×10-4), and low firing characteristics (900℃). Due to their dielectric performance, low firing characteristics, and realizable co-firing compatibility, the sandwich structure of ZMT3 dielectric/NZC ferrite multilayer composite can serve as the promising medium materials in the multilayer LC filter.
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