运用水热合成技术, 在通道密度为62cell/cm2的堇青石蜂窝陶瓷载体上, 原位合成了TS-1分子筛. 并用XRD、FT-IR和SEM等测试手段对其进行了表征. 在此基础上, 寻找出能降低模板剂和钛源用量的原料配比, 并简化了合成路线. 同时, 还讨论了原料中H2O和SiO2 的摩尔比以及晶化时间对TS-1负载状况的影响. 结果表明, 用37%盐酸处理6h后的堇青石蜂窝载体的内外表面上, 经过一次水热合成, 可牢固、均匀地生长出TS-1分子筛膜, 而相应的载体增重为10%~16%.
Titanium silicalite-1 molecular sieve (TS-1) was in situ synthesized on the surface of honeycomb-shaped cordierite support by a hydrothermal method. XRD, FT-IR and SEM were used to characterize the samples. The optimal process of preparing TS-1/cordierite including synthesized from cheaper preplursor was studied. Meanwhile, the effects of crystallization period and molar ratio of H2O and SiO2 in their mother solution on the growth of TS-1 on monolithic cordierite support were also researched experimentally. The results show that a coating of TS-1 crystals grows successfully on the surface of monolithic cordierite support pretreated with 37% hydrochloric acid for 6h, and the weight of the cordierite is increased by 10%--16%.
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