采用熔融拉丝法制备了直径范围分别在6.1~28.0μm和14.0~35.2μm之间的玻璃包覆非晶Fe基和Co基合金微丝, 测试了不同合金直径和不同玻璃包覆层厚度的玻璃包覆合金微丝样品的静磁性能. 结果表明: 轴向矫顽力和轴向剩磁比随着微丝直径的增大而降低, 随着玻璃包覆层的增大而升高; 径向剩磁比的变化趋势则相反. 微丝合金直径和玻璃包覆层厚度改变, 静磁性能变化的主要原因是作用在合金芯上的内应力的变化, 导致了具有不同磁畴结构的合金内芯区和合金外壳区体积比的改变.
Fe-rich and Co-rich amorphous glass-coated metal microwires with diameters in the range of 6.1--28.0μm and 14.0--35.2μm were synthesized by the Taylor-Ulitovsky method, respectively. The magnetic parameters of microwires samples with same metal core diameters, different glass coating thicknesses and same glass coating thicknesses, different metal core diameters were
analyzed by vibrating sample magnetometer. The results show that the axial coercive fields and remnant magnetization ratios of the two types of microwires reduce with the increasing of metal core diameters, and rise with the increasing of glass coating thicknesses. The changes of radial remnant magnetization ratios of the microwires are reverse with that of the axial remnant magnetization ratios. The influences of metal core diameters and glass coating thicknesses on the magnetostatic properties of glass-coated microwires are due to the changes of the stress of metal cores via the changes of the volume fraction of the metal inner cores and metal outer shells with different magnetic domain framework.
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