

  • 陈东丹 ,
  • 张勤远 ,
  • 杨中民 ,
  • 姜中宏
  • (华南理工大学 材料学院光通信材料研究所, 广州 510641)

收稿日期: 2006-12-11

  修回日期: 2007-01-16

  网络出版日期: 2007-11-20

Fabrication and Characterization of Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Er3+-doped Single-Mode Tellurite Fiber

  • CHEN Dong-Dan ,
  • ZHANG Qin-Yuan ,
  • YANG Zhong-Min ,
  • JIANG Zhong-Hong
  • (Institute of Optical Communication Materials, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China)

Received date: 2006-12-11

  Revised date: 2007-01-16

  Online published: 2007-11-20


制备了一种新型的可应用于1.5μm通讯窗口宽带放大自发辐射光源的掺铒碲酸盐玻璃单模光纤(EDTF), 并分析了其热学性质和光谱特性. 该玻璃显示了良好的热稳定性(Δ T>150℃)和匹配的热膨胀系数. 采用自制EDTF短光纤, 组装了超荧光单程反向结构光源(SPB),利用波长为980nm的半导体激光器抽运掺Er3+的碲酸盐短光纤, 可在1450~1650nm范围获得宽带宽的铒离子放大自发辐射光谱(ASE). 研究了光纤长度, 泵浦功率等对放大自发辐射光谱的影响. 研究结果显示, 该碲酸盐玻璃是一种适用于宽带放大自发辐射光源的基质材料.


陈东丹 , 张勤远 , 杨中民 , 姜中宏 . 掺铒碲基单模光纤的制备及其放大自发辐射光谱[J]. 无机材料学报, 2007 , 22(6) : 1095 -1098 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.01095


Fabrication and characterization of a newly erbium-doped single-mode tellurite glass-fiber applicable for 1.5μm amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) source were reported. The glasses exhibit very good thermal stability (Δ T>150℃) and matchable thermal expansion coefficient. A very broad erbium amplified spontaneous emission in a range of 1450-1650nm from erbium-doped single-mode tellurite glass-fiber is obtained upon excitation of a 980nm laser diode. Effects of the length of glass-fiber and the pumping power of laser diode on the amplified spontaneous emission are discussed. The result indicates that the tellurite glass-fiber is a promising candidate for designing fiber-ASE source.


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