制备了高质量的Yb:YAG透明陶瓷. Yb:YAG透明陶瓷的晶粒尺寸为10μm左右且分布均匀, 晶界处和晶粒中没有杂质、气孔的存在. Yb:YAG样品中所有元素分布均匀, 不同的晶粒间, 晶粒和晶界间成分是一致的, 没有出现成分的偏析. 4mm厚样品的透过率为80%. LD泵浦获得了波长为1030nm, 最大功率为268mW的连续激光输出.
High-quality Yb:YAG ceramics were successfully prepared. The grains distribute evenly and the size is about 10μm. There are no pores and impurities in or between the grains. All the elements distribute evenly in the ceramic and they are with the same content in different grains and boundries. The transmittance of 4mm thick sample reaches 80%. Their continuous output power is 268mW obtained at wavelength of 1030nm, when pumped by LD.
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