通过对碳纳米管的混酸处理和氨水处理, 在不使用乳化剂的情况下, 采用反相微乳液法合成了形状较为规则的碳纳米管球,比较了四种不同油相以及酸处理时间、水相中碳纳米管含量和搅拌蒸发温度对微球形成和形态的影响, 并对碳纳米管微球的形成机理进行了分析. 结果表明, 采用蓖麻油作为油相, 使用酸化处理1.5h后的碳纳米管在85℃下能制备出(2~20)μm的碳纳米管微球. 此外, 随着碳纳米管在氨水的含量从0.27wt%增加到0.55wt%, 制备出的微球越大, 表面越紧密.
Carbon nanotube microspheres with regular shape were fabricated from acid-treated and aminefunctionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using reverse microemulsion. The effects of the oil system with different molecular weight, the content of CNTs in ammonia water, the extent of acid treatment, and the stir temperature for emulsion on the formation and morphology of CNTs microspheres were investigated, meanwhile the mechanism of CNTs microspheres formation was studied. It is found that using CNTs acid treated for 1.5h, CNTs microspheres with a diameter of 2-20μm are synthesized after vigorous stirring in castor oil system at 85℃. In addition, with increasing the contents of CNTs in ammonia water from 0.27% to 0.55%, the fabricated microspheres become larger, and their surfaces become more compact.
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