采用传统氧化物法制备了MnZn铁氧体材料和NiZn铁氧体材料. 分析了贫铁MnZn铁氧体磁导率的频散特性, 在K. Itoh等人二段型频散特性模型的基础上, 提出了与实际测量数据更相符合的三段型频散特性模型, 并用三段型频散特性模型计算模拟了磁导率的频率特性曲线. 同时通过研究Fe2O3、TiO2含量对贫铁MnZn铁氧体磁导率的影响, 得出三段型频散特性模型各参数对磁导率频率特性的不同贡献.
MnZn ferrites and NiZn ferrites were prepared by conventional ceramic processing techniques. The frequency dependence of permeability of MnZn ferrites with Fe-poor composition (less than 50mol% of Fe2O3) was studied. Tri-segment frequency dispersion model which consists of domain wall motion, magnetization rotation and gyro-magnetic spin rotation was used to simulate the permeability spectra of ferrites. Effects of Fe2O3 and TiO2 content on
permeability of Fe-poor MnZn ferrites were also studied to analyze contribution of the simulating parameters.
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