采用柠檬酸络合法合成了La 2/3-x Li 3x TiO 3 (x=0.11, LLT)复合氧化物材料, 通过系统研究影响溶胶和凝胶形成以及粉体晶相结构的各种因素, 确定了最佳的合成条件. 研究结果表明: 柠檬酸络合法所制备的粉体烧结温度降低至1200℃左右, 与传统的固相合成法相比具有更高的活性, 其烧结温度约降低150℃. 烧结所得的陶瓷样品在室温时的晶粒电导和总电导分别达到9×10-4和2.15×10-5 S/cm.
Superfine powders of La 2/3-x Li 3x TiO 3(x=0.11, LLT) perovskite-type oxides were synthesized by a citrate method. The factors influencing on the formation of sol and gel as well as the crystal structure and morphology
of synthesized powders were examined. The effects of sintering temperature on the conductivities of the ceramics were investigated. The results show that the highest electrical conductivity can be obtained for the sample sintered at 1200℃, which is approximately 150℃ lower than that of samples synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. The grain and total lithium ion conductivities of the LLT ceramics sintered at 1200℃ are 9×10-4 S/cm and 2.15×10-5 S/cm at room temperature, respectively.
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