Journal of Inorganic Materials >
New Development of Transparent Alumina Ceramics
Received date: 2009-11-20
Revised date: 2010-01-26
Online published: 2010-07-19
The first realization of transparent alumina ceramics among all advanced ceramics expand a new research field of advanced ceramics. The application of transparent alumina is also successful, such as arc tubes for high intensity discharge lamps. Fruitful results in theory research and processing optimization are made with the purpose of enhancing transmittance of alumina ceramics over the past half-century. In this paper, the effects of the intrinsic factors on the transmittance of alumina ceramics are studied. New methods and technology developments of transparent alumina reported in recent years are reviewed, mainly including sub-micrometer grain transparent alumina, oriented grain transparent alumina and single crystal alumina prepared by solid state crystal growth. The future tendency of transparent alumina ceramics are?also represented.
YI Hai-Lan, JIANG Zhi-Jun, MAO Xiao-Jian, WANG Shi-Wei . New Development of Transparent Alumina Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2010 , 25(8) : 795 -800 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00795
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